Apr 23, 2023Foraging infoGuidance for safe foraging of wild food in the UKForaging for wild food is a great way to get outside and enjoy nature, while learning about the plants and animals that make up our...
Apr 3, 2023HedgerowStinging Nettle - Urtica DioicaGaelic: Deanntag (pronounced like jan-tach) Dear nettles have a special place in my heart. Like most people I grew up wary of them and...
Feb 20, 2023Tri-cornered Leeks Onion Weed, Three Cornered Leeks, Wild Leeks - Allium triquetrum These delicious wee gems are one of my favourite wild greens. They are...
Nov 1, 2022MushroomsBirch PolyporeI have a special affection for this mushroom because it has been used as medicine for at least 5,000 years. Plus it's the only mushroom...